The Europa shuttle crew and passenger awakened in their stasis chambers from hypersleep, roused by Europa’s systems. The three men had spent the last four months in cryogenic sleep as they traveled from Earth Station 1 to the Parallax space station. Now they were located more than five hundred million miles from Earth, but they still had more than a hundred thousand miles of travel left to reach the Parallax space station, which was located in the void between two of Jupiter’s biggest moons, Ganymede and Callisto.

The hypersleep chamber was a tubelike chamber in which a person was cryogenically frozen. The process was referred to as hypersleep, cryosleep, or cryo, and it was required for a jump to near light speed. Anyone who wanted to work and travel in space was required to pass a stringent physical and mental examination, including the ability to withstand being in a hypersleep chamber, which was required to survive the long trips in space.